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Copy Paste Entries of Days and Weeks

With the required permissions set, conveniently copy/paste days or weeks

Week view - copy/paste a week

OIBIS week view showing right-click popup with copy and paste options for time entries.



With the required permission set, right-click the week and select the copy option.

OIBIS week view showing right-click popup with copy and paste options for a different week.


OIBIS week view showing the successfully pasted time entries for the selected week.


Right-click a different week, and select the paste option to paste the previously copied week to the new week.


The copy/paste of a day, which is not illustrated here, works in a similar way by right-clicking on a day's header, then selecting the copy option. Then right-click the header of a different day and select the paste option, which will paste all the time entries of the previously copied day to the new day.

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